How to analyze the performance of my campaigns?

The Performance page: presentation of the features



  1. What information is available on my campaigns?
  2. What is the calculated return on investment?
  3. How to search for a specific campaign?
  4. How to view the contacts linked to a campaign?

    1. What information is available about my campaigns?

    On the Performances page you will find each of your sent campaigns, with the most recent ones first.

    You can sort your campaigns by the following information:

    • Campaign ID (the same as in Arenametrix Campaign Management)
    • the name of the campaign
    • the sending date
    • the type of campaign (email, SMS)

    2. What is the calculated ROI?

    In the last column, Arenametrix calculates the generated Performance of each campaign.

    We have 2 choices to estimate the generated revenue:
      1. Revenue based on recipients: it is the sum of tickets purchased by the recipients of my campaign, in the 7 days following its sending.
      2. Revenue based on openers: it is the sum of the tickets bought by the openers of my campaign, in the 7 days following its sending.

    Estimating the return on investment of a campaign is an inexact science. Between direct sales linked to affiliate traffic, indirect sales postponed to later, there are as many definitions as calculations. Arenametrix offers you a simple, transparent first estimate, without any pixels or scripts. Thanks to our dual function CRM and sales analysis, we are the only ones who can cross-reference your contacts with your generated ticket sales. That's what this page is all about.

    By changing the estimation mode of the Performance, you can see the number of buyers and tickets "associated" with the campaign.


    3. How to search for a specific campaign?

    All your campaigns are automatically synchronized in Arenametrix. In case you do not find a specific campaign, contact your support manager to start a manual synchronization.

    Search functions allow you to retrieve your entire campaign history in the blink of an eye.

    • Search by name: allows you to search among the titles of your sent campaigns
    • Search by period: allows you to search within a specified date range

    4. How do I view the contacts linked to a campaign?

    By selecting the campaign I am interested in, I have several possible actions of analysis: see the contacts who are recipients of the campaign in Arenametrix, see the visual of the campaign, or see the sending report in the Campaign Management module.