Top 5 lists for Festivals
All your identified contacts are now centralized in Arenametrix; now it's time to start segmentation to understand the interactions of each of your audience types, and adapt direct communication to them. The Arenametrix Customer Success team has therefore concocted a proposal of 5 relevant lists to contact during your communication campaigns.
Objective 1: encourage early bird buying
Medium: be sure that your first fans repeat the early bird purchase for the next festival. Thank your early birds and offer exclusive content, they are the first ambassadors of your event.
Suggested list: buyers of previous editions within the first month of the opening of the ticket office.
Objective 2: accompany my distant audiences
Means: reassure these spectators by sending all practical information to get to the festival site. Highlight information on accommodation, sustainable development, carpooling and train offers for example.
Suggested list: buyers of the last editions living more than 150 km away.
Objective 3: Strengthen last-minute purchasing
Means: contact last-minute buyers in the last days of marketing with last-minute and restricted offers.
Suggested list: last-minute buyers of the last 3 editions, living less than 50 kms away and still not having bought tickets for the next edition.
Objective 4: Increase on-site spending
Means: a communication by sms on the day of the event according to the cashless history.
Suggested list: festival-goers used to spend a lot via cashless.
Objective 5: measure the satisfaction of my spectators
Means: send out a satisfaction questionnaire the day after the festival, and encourage festival-goers who gave you a good mark to relay their opinion on social networks.
Suggested list: visitors who have validated a passage at the festival's access control.
Were these lists relevant? You can check it by yourself on the "Performances" page of Arenametrix!
Contact your Account Manager via chat
Florian Moka
+33 6 98 57 99 72