Our recommendation of smart lists for Theatres

Top 5 lists for theatres


All your identified contacts are now centralized in Arenametrix; now it's time to start segmentation to understand the interactions of each of your audience types, and adapt direct communication to them. The Arenametrix Customer Success team has therefore concocted a proposal of 5 relevant lists to contact during your communication campaigns.

Objective 1: increase the fill rate of a representation

Means: a qualitative and personalized communication based on artistic color.

Suggested list: spectators who have already purchased a similar event (field "Type of event" or "Event" in Arenametrix) for less than 3 years (RGPD compliance).



Objective 2: to develop the attendance of my recurring audience

Means: maintain its loyal audience by giving them priority access to specific information or rights, to encourage positive word-of-mouth.

Suggested list: non-subscribers who have already purchased at least two shows this season.



Objective 3: increase the satisfaction of my subscribers

Means: send preview information, exceptional offers and premium content to the first communication vectors in the room.

Suggested list: subscribers for the current season.


Objective 4: convert newsletter subscribers into buyers

Means: send an automatic email to validate your subscription to the newsletter with a promo code on a ticket for the next show.

Suggested list: newsletter subscribers in real time, by connecting to the theater's website.


Objective 5: measure the satisfaction of my spectators

Means: automatically send out a satisfaction questionnaire the day after the show, and encourage spectators who gave you a good mark to relay their opinion on social networks.

Suggested list: the spectators of the previous day's performance.


Were these lists relevant? You can check it by yourself on the "Performances" page of Arenametrix!

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Clément Rousset


06 98 57 99 72