1. Contacts
- Name : Search for a contact by name.
- First name : Search for a contact by first name.
- Email : Search for a contact by his email but also search for all contacts who have or do not have an email.
- Age : Segment by the age of your contacts if the date of birth is entered.
- Post : This represents the function of the contacts, if filled in.
- Phone : Search by phone number, or search for all contacts who have a phone number to send them an SMS.
- Distance : This is the distance between the location of your nearest activity and the address of the contact. It is calculated in kilometers.
- Postal code : Search for contacts using their postal code. This allows you to create groups of contacts by geographical area.
- Department : Search for contacts through their department.
- Country : Search for contacts through their country.
- Opt-in : Search for Opt-in or Opt-out contacts.
- Marketing target : Allows you to find and reuse marketing targets that have already been registered.
- Type of import : Search for contacts according to their origin: Static Target, Dynamic Target or Manual Import.
- Median Income : The median income is an INSEE data calculated using the postal code of the contact.
- Notes : Notes are free fields on the contact sheets. It is possible to search for all contacts that have a common point in the notes.
2. Structures
- Structure : Allows you to find the contacts attached to a structure.
- Tag : Searches for contacts that belong to a structure that has a particular tag.
3. Global consumption
- Recent : Look for people who have not purchased for a while. Calculated in days.
- Loyalty : Search for contacts who came a number of times over the last three years. The loyalty is the number of purchases containing at least one performance that took place either in the last 36 months or in the future
- Time to buy : Find contacts who buy on average a certain number of days before the event. Calculated in days.
- Average basket value : Create a group of people who have an average basket of more or less a certain amount. Calculated in euros.
- Volume of the average basket : Create a group of people who have an average basket of plus or minus a certain number of tickets. Calculated in number of tickets.
- Total amount : Search for contacts who have spent more or less a certain amount of money. Calculated in euros.
- Total banknotes : Find the people who have purchased more or less a certain number of tickets. Calculated in number of tickets.
- Average price : Group a population in relation to the average price they usually spend for your services.
Max price : Group a population with respect to the maximum price they spent on a single order.
4. Detailed consumption
- Number of tickets : Searches for contacts based on the total number of tickets obtained
- Number of purchases : Search for contacts by the number of unique orders criterion.
- Cumulative amount : Find contacts based on the total amount spent on all orders.
- Number of representations : Create population groups based on the number of performances they have attended.
- Number of events : Create population groups based on the number of events they have attended.
5. Tickets
- Ticket status : Search for contacts who have purchased and/or reserved and/or cancelled their order.
- Location : People who have participated in an event in a particular location.
- Season : People who have obtained a ticket for a particular season.
- Type of event : Retrieve contacts who have participated in several events that belong to an event type.
- Event : Find contacts who have participated in one or more events.
- Representations : Find the contacts who participated in one or more performances.
- Sales channel : Search for contacts based on their buying channel. For example, all people who bought online.
- Type of category : Retrieve contacts who have obtained a ticket from a category type.
- Categories : The result is different depending on your ticketing software. This represents people who have purchased a particular category or fare.
- Type of price formula : Retrieve contacts who have obtained a ticket belonging to a type of price formula.
- Price formula : Allows you to find contacts who have obtained a ticket for a particular price formula (fare).
- Purchase period : Group contacts according to a purchase period. Either between two dates.
- Representation period : Group the contacts who participated in a performance during a given period. Either between two dates.
6. Email campaign
- Campaigns : Find the contacts who received a particular campaign.
- Emails sent : Retrieve contacts who have received one of your emails over a period of time, between two dates.
- Emails delivered : Find the contacts for whom one of your emails was delivered over a period of time, between two dates.
- Opened emails : Find the contacts who opened one of your emails over a period of time, between two dates.
- Emails clicked : Find the contacts who clicked on one of your emails over a period of time, between two dates.
- Clicked links : Find the contacts who clicked on a particular link in one of your emails.
7. Contributions (guestbook)
- Satisfaction : Retrieve respondents based on the satisfaction rating they gave.
- Location : Find respondents according to the location where they completed the questionnaire.
- Date of publication : Find respondents according to the date on which they completed the questionnaire.